

I love spending time with my grandma, and today we went to Walmart. I bought a new shirt, belt, and hot pink tights.. hehe of course I would hot pink tights! Well I guess tomorrow I'm going to go hang with Ashley and some friends tomorrow and I'm kinda looking forward to that. We got into a fight on Sunday and I hate that I don't know how to fix relationship issues. Like at my house if we yell at each other we generally just never talk it out and I think that's bad. I hate that I don't know how to talk things out like that. Bleh. Anyway. I am excited though.

So, I really feel like watching Charlie's Angels today..I know random.

Today my cello is getting taken up to Paige's Music to get fixed.. my bridge is about to snap in two and my bow is warped :( sadness.




Isn't annoying when you wish you were cool like your friends,used phrases like "Peace-out" and "Rock on", or were just,well, awesome... being a nerd is no fun...that's all I have to say..

College is like impending doom.. the sad realization that it will probably be no different than my senior year in high school.. well..i guess if I really think about it..it is my senior year of highschool,perhaps I'm just a late bloomer and this will be, THE year, lol then again me and my friends say this about every year.. yet another 365 days go by and nothing really changes that much..we're still weird, awkward, and sometimes.. well most of the time.. socially inept...

oh well.. I guess somebody has to do it..


I finally did it!

I graduated.

I'm done with high school and I'm on my way to college.

I'm excited. yay.


When? I don't know.

School is wearing me out. I need a break but i have 29 more days till spring break! *tear* I don't know if I'm going to be able to last that long! I bombed my test, and project.. bleh.. that's bad.. good bye GPA



Its alot of fun to contemplate things.

Or, wonder why certain things happen.. or wish you wouldn't have made a partciular decision.. or did you have the choice?


Pillow Talk

So last night I went to go see "Pillow Talk" with my mom and Patty and it was fun but in the middle of the movie I started to think about the movie "Down With Love" .. cracked me up.



I definately have had a lesson learned lately.. Becareful of what you wish for!